Fw: Teddy Bear Icon Virus

VANCHU, ANTHONY J. (JSC-AH) (TTI) anthony.j.vanchu1 at JSC.NASA.GOV
Tue Jan 6 14:25:59 UTC 2004

The fact that this is a hoax notwithstanding, one quick point to be
made--Harlow Robinson did NOT initally send this message to the SEELANGS
listserv, but rather to people in his address book (I was one of those
recipients).  Somehow, the responses seem to have made their way on to
SEELANGS, where it's taken on a life of its own.  On the other hand, maybe
it's useful to be reminded that these hoaxes are still out their in

Tony Vanchu

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Tessone [mailto:tessone at POLYGLUT.NET]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Fw: Teddy Bear Icon Virus

>>>>> "colkitto" == colkitto  <colkitto at SPRINT.CA> writes:

    colkitto> and it's at least two or three years old to boot - the
    colkitto> same message went the rounds ages ago.  Has it been
    colkitto> floating round the Net ever since?

These things never really die.  The important thing to take away from
this is, even if the various anti-virus programs are temporarily
incapable of detecting a virus, any virus of any consequence will
*always* be posted to symantec.com and the virus sites of other major
anti-virus software companies.  Before forwarding a warning about a
virus, you should *always* check those databases first (or at least
google the name of the virus) to see whether it is genuine or a hoax.

If people would do this with viruses and check Snopes for urban
legends, a lot of nonsense that circulates on the Net would die a
quick and well-deserved death.  Instead, people flood others' inboxes
with info they haven't even fact checked.


Christopher A. Tessone
Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois
BA Student, Russian and Mathematics

[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

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