Father Zosima

Daniel Rancour-Laferriere darancourlaferriere at COMCAST.NET
Mon Aug 7 01:51:00 UTC 2006

6 August 06

Dear Colleagues,

I want to thank you for your generous responses to my question,

> My question is this: what are the sources for the idea that the body 
> of a very holy monk will not decay?  Is this a folk belief in Russian 
> or other Slavic cultures?  Does the belief come in from Byzantium, or 
> from other non-Slavic cultures? 

I have forwarded your responses to a psychologist friend who is doing 
research on religion and death, and who initially asked me about the 
fuss over Father Zosima's corpse in Dostoevsky's _Brothers Karamazov_.

Regards to the list,

Daniel Rancour-Laferriere

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