Study abroad in Prague

Rachel Howard RHoward at ACADEMIC-TRAVEL.COM
Thu Apr 12 18:10:14 UTC 2007

Dear SEELANGers,

CET wishes to announce the upcoming deadline of May 1 for its Fall 2007 Prague programs.

CET offers two programs in Prague, Jewish Studies and Central European Studies.  Both programs share the same model of a commitment to academics and cultural immersion.  These programs are offered fall and spring semesters, as well as during the summer.  CET cooperates with Charles University, the oldest university in Central Europe, which supplies most of our faculty.  CET also has a special relationship with the Prague Jewish Community and numerous NGOs, where some of our students develop internships.

All students enroll in a Politics and Culture course as well as a Czech language course.  For students with prior Czech language instruction, CET arranges intermediate and advanced classes.  There is no language prerequisite for the program.

Additional courses fall under the disciplines of Jewish Studies, History, Political Science, and Art History.  For students with an academic background in photography, a special track is available.  The photography track is composed of a classroom-based theory class and a practicum.  All students benefit from CET's signature traveling seminars, which transfer lessons from the classroom to the context of the region.  Jewish studies students travel through Poland, while Central European Studies students explore the Hapsburg legacy and modern politics in Austria, Moravia, and Slovakia.  Both groups participate in a combined excursion to Budapest to explore its Jewish history as well as the gradualist approach to political and economic transitions.  More information, including the program application, is available on our website at

Faculty members can direct their questions to me at the contact information listed below.  We would be grateful if you would share this program announcement with students seeking a rigorous program who are dedicated to absorbing the culture of Central Europe.

Rachel Howard
CET Academic Programs ~ Innovators in Study Abroad Since 1982
Rachel Howard
Prague Programs Manager
1920 N Street, N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-530-0800, ext. 7341 or 800-225-4262, ext. 7341 Fax: 202-342-0317
E-mail: RHoward at

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