Russian Language Year UK poster competition

Jenny Carr jennifercarr at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK
Sat Apr 14 11:24:11 UTC 2007

I am sending brief details of a competition we are running for UK schoolchildren and adults - and would be grateful if SEELANGers would forward to any Russian learners in the UK.  If anyone would like full details please contact me off-list - I can send a pdf and/or answer queries.

POSTER COMPETITION : "Why learn Russian?"

President Putin has designated 2007 as "Russian Language Year".  This is a wonderful idea but needs publicity.

That's where you come in.

Design a poster telling the world why you think people should learn Russian.  The text on your poster can be in English or Russian, or a mixture of both.

Prizes for:

·       primary school contestants (up to age 11)

·       secondary school contestants (age 12-18)

·       everyone else (ages 19-99+)

Winning posters will go on an exhibition tour of the UK.

Deadline: Saturday 14 July 2007

Contact: The Scotland-Russia Forum scotrussforum at for entry form and competition rules


Jenny Carr (Scotland-Russia Forum)

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