2 Russian words

Tatyana Buzina tbuzina at YANDEX.RU
Wed Sep 24 10:43:56 UTC 2008

Klofelin (clophelinum) is a medication, induces relaxation, in large doses induces sleep, an overdose of klofelin is lethal. Klofelinshchik is someone who uses klofelin to knock their victims out cold and rob them afterwards. Oftentimes, the victims don't survive.
I assume you watched the news on a computer because buferizatsiia is a process which involves using a "bufer" to store temporary information. 

24.09.08, 14:33, "Giampaolo Gandolfo" <gianpaolo.gandolfo at FASTWEBNET.IT>:

> Dear Seelangers,
>     I heard on a Russian newsTV the expression клофелинщики грабили своих жертв and the word буферизация. (it appeared on an image) Can anyone tell me the meaning?
>         Thank you
>             Giampaolo Gandolfo
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