Nosit' rebenka pod serdtsem

Edward M Dumanis dumanis at BUFFALO.EDU
Sun Jun 7 18:32:58 UTC 2009

"Pod" literally means below.
  "Nosit' rebenka pod serdtsem" is a standard Russian expression for 
carrying the child in the womb.
Yandex gives 320000 hits.


Edward Dumanis <dumanis at>

On Sun, 7 Jun 2009, Robert Chandler wrote:

> Dear all,
> These 3 lines are from Grossman’s ‘Sikstinskaya Madonna’:
> В наше время родила молодая мать своего ребенка. Страшно носить под сердцем
> сына и слышать рев народа, приветствующего Адольфа Гитлера. Мать
> всматривается в лицо новорожденного и слышит звон и хруст разбиваемых
> стекол,
> Am I right in thinking that the second sentence refers to her carrying the
> child while it is still in her womb?  I only ask because the order of the
> sentences creates the impression that this refers to her carrying the child,
> AGAINST her heart, soon after it has been born.
> Best wishes,
> Robert
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