Tsars Mnemonic

Paul Richardson paulr at RUSSIANLIFE.NET
Thu Jun 25 12:31:50 UTC 2009

I am curious. A friend recently sent me this mnemonic poem for  
learning the kings of England:

Willie, Willie, Harry, Ste,
Harry, Dick, John, Harry Three,
One, Two, Three Neds, Richard Two,
Henry Four, Five, Six, then who?
Edward Four, Five, Dick the Bad,
Harrys twain, and Ned the Lad,
Mary, Bess, James the Vain,
Charlie, Charlie, James again.
William and Mary, Anna Gloria,
Four Georges, William, and Victoria,
Edward Seven and Georgie Five,
Edward, George, and Bess Alive.

Anyone know of anything similar, in English or Russian, for  
remembering the order of the Russian tsars? Surely there is something.

Paul Richardson
Russian Life magazine

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