commentary to student safety in St Petersburg

Dustin Hosseini dustin.hosseini at GMAIL.COM
Fri Nov 27 19:44:30 UTC 2009

What Leigh has written is what I have tried to express: 

One (a member of a minority) should not base their life around these
statistics/studies and live in fear of them, and as a result cast aside the
chance to study and/or live abroad.   I agree with Olga Meerson's last
commentary addressed to Leigh as well.  Fearing something does not change
anything, and not acting because of fear is only backtracking.  

CW: No, of course students shouldn't accept any aggressive/racist/anti-X
behavior, but they should not be warned to such an extent that they are
instilled with a fear that drives them to bury any thought of study abroad.  

Forgive me for being so repetitive, I wholeheartedly feel that avoiding
studying abroad in Russia based on these 'reputable' statistics/studies will
not be of help to anyone - not to the students who want to study Russian in
Russia, and not to the problem of racism in Russia itself.  I do believe
that the problem of racism in Russia will solve itself, even though it might
take some time.  Social interaction between foreigners, Russians, and the
'minorities' thereof will help solve this problem, and overseas studies
going to study in Russia is one way to alleviate this problem. 

There are risks everywhere and in every country; it was only a decade or so
ago that several British tourists in Florida were gunned down - they were
targeted because they were tourists - yet have those sad events caused Brits
to stop coming to the US?  The same events could happen again.  

Michele: I acknowledge them, but that does not mean that I have to accept
them or use them as a measuring stick of the problem.  I do not think it is
unreasonable to ask for a broader study of the problem to be done.  I do
not, however, agree with you on your comment regarding uttering
racial/ethnic slurs.  It's completely unacceptable and 'nekulturniy' the
last time I checked.  

Andrew:  Things are different in Russia - you said it.  However, how would
you like it if your neighbor came into your house and told you how to raise
your children and/or treat your partner?  What some seem not to grasp is
that outside foreign interference in LGBT rights in Russia does not mix well
with the average Russian, nor does it help the LGBT cause progress within
Russia itself.   

Gay rights are definitely a problem in Russia, but there is always a time
and place for a person to come out of the proverbial closet, and Russia is
just not ready yet.  

If, however, you think that the LGBT cause has been helped by foreigner
campaigners coming into Russia, then I'd love to see your data on that.  

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