AW: [SEELANGS] online booksellers in Russia

Polina Morozova pmorozova at YAHOO.COM
Sat Nov 28 18:28:42 UTC 2009

In August while I was in Moscow I used this resource that allows you to find a book and compare prices from about 30 different Russian online booksellers:

Polina Morozova-Diab, Ph.D.
10451 Dolecetto drive 
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 
Tel./Fax: +1 (916) 364 3425 
Mob.:     +1 (916) 833 3755

--- Christina Manetti <manetti.christina at GMAIL.COM> schrieb am Sa, 28.11.2009:

Von: Christina Manetti <manetti.christina at GMAIL.COM>
Betreff: [SEELANGS] online booksellers in Russia
Datum: Samstag, 28. November 2009, 11:57

Dear list members,

Does anyone have suggestions for online booksellers of new or used books in
Russia? Preferably ones already known to be reliable, but I'd be glad to
make a note of sellers who are as yet "untested" as well.

Thank you,
Christina Manetti

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