ivan esaulov esaulov50 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Apr 14 08:42:17 UTC 2011

Dear colleagues, 

the second part of the infamous journey from the Higher Party School to the Russian State University for the Humanities is published: 


Opportunely two new articles of Valentin  Halizev were released on our the web site "Transformations of Russian Classics":

Domestic Philology in the era of Marxism-Leninism domination (1930-1940) [Отечественное литературоведение в эпоху господства марксизма-ленинизма (1930-1980-е годы)]
and G.N. Pospelov at the time of struggle against "bourgeois liberalism" and "cosmopolitism" of A.N. Veselovskij (1947-1949) [Г.Н.  Поспелов в пору борьбы с "буржуазным либерализмом" и "космополитизмом" А.Н. Веселовского  (1947-1949)]

where for the first time the "repentant" speech of one of the soviet philology leaders is published, after the party tongue-lashing at the chair meeting.

The editor of the internet-project,
Prof. Dr. Ivan Esaulov

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