
Hugh Olmsted hugh_olmsted at COMCAST.NET
Tue Mar 8 05:18:47 UTC 2011

Dear SEELANGovtsy:
    I've got a question about current Russian pronunciation norms – specifically about accents in past passive participial forms from traditionally end-stressed past-infinitive system verbs like nesti, vezti, vesti. In the past few years I've been noticing instances of accent-placement that sound really strange to me:  specifically things like "pereVEdeno," "uVEzena", "vNEseny" (I use a simple translit/capitalized representation).
    To my surprise, in my limited circles these seem to have been issuing forth from middle-aged-to-older-generation St. Petersburg natives, people from whom I would have expected to hear fairly standard literary Russian.
Traditionally, of course, all past-infinitive system obstruent stems with infinitives in (stressed) -TI (plus the ones in -k/g with end-stressed past forms) automatically get pppple end-stress as well.  Is this system breaking down? 
    So, respected colleagues, tell me: has anybody else been hearing things like this?  If so, who has been uttering them?  Do any of you have any socio-cultural, generational, geographical, or register-linked observations, suggestions, generalizations?
    Or if you're a native speaker, would YOU ever say such a thing?  If so, maybe you could say a word or two about your background, generation, etc.?
    Maybe somebody has encountered some discussion of this phenomenon, whether in school books, prescriptive-normative "kul'tura rechi" discussions, or in more scholarly linguistic treatments?
    I would be really grateful for any observations or thoughts you might have on the topic.  Thanks for your wisdom.  I'll look forward to responses: please post to the list as a whole.

Hugh Olmsted
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