
Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Tue Mar 8 16:43:00 UTC 2011

е>ё is probably quite productive as loan words can proove it: affaire  
—> афёра. I am aware of the fact that dictionaries specifically  
state афера [не афёра]. The brackets in "Trudnosti"  
dictionaries are a sure sign that that's how a lot (too many) people  
are saying it. In a mocking way people say слушать опёру,  
the rule applies: under stress, after soft, before hard.

Mar 8, 2011, в 10:26 AM, H.P. Houtzagers написал(а):

> I'm not sure that everybody would expect that. First the e-ë  
> alternation is due to a change of e > ë  that took place in Russian  
> centuries ago but it does not have to be a productive alternation in  
> contemporary Russian. Second, even in that very remote past the law  
> e > ë did not work before a soft consonant.
> Peter Houtzagers

Alina Israeli
Associate Professor of Russian
LFS, American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave.
Washington DC 20016
(202) 885-2387 	fax (202) 885-1076
aisrael at

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