travel accounts of Russia--addendum

Jules Levin ameliede at EARTHLINK.NET
Tue Mar 29 21:44:08 UTC 2011

On 3/29/2011 2:22 PM, Jules Levin wrote:
> Let me take advantage of this topic to mention the most important 
> Hakluyt publication re Russia, Giles Fletcher's Of the Rus 
> Commonwealth, 1591.

Forgot to mention that I published a review of the Schmidt 1966 edition 
of Fletcher in the International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and 
Poetics XII (1969).  There I discussed several words in Fletcher.  For 
the historical record I should mention that this subject was originally 
assigned to me as an MA dissertation topic by Roman Jakobson, who 
apparently just wanted to know what words were in Fletcher.   I still 
have a box full of file cards with all Fletcher's Russian words, that 
will eventually get pitched out when I am, unless someone takes them off 
my hands.
Jules Levin
Los Angeles

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