
Kelly, Martha kellymartha at MISSOURI.EDU
Fri Mar 30 02:24:15 UTC 2012

I'm trying to locate the source (or at least a citation) of a Russian folk saying: 
Батюшка-Питер бока нам вытер, братцы заводы унесли годы, а матюшка канава совсем доконала. (Batiushka-Piter boka nam vyter, brattsy zavody unesli gody, a matiushka kanava sovsem dokonala.)

The saying comes up in a Google/Yandex search, but I'm trying to find a more citable source and have limited (immediate) access to print collections of folk sayings.

Might any of you have a lead? 

Many thanks

Martha Kelly 

Assistant Professor
University of Missouri
German & Russian Studies

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