Translation help

Charles E. Townsend townsend at PRINCETON.EDU
Fri Feb 8 22:02:11 UTC 2013

Sarah Hurst's suggestion is fine, but I suppose it might sound a little more forceful (and you could retain the чтобы ... не, for what that's worth, which isn't much), if you used "that they not go/wave their legs, etc", which gives you a kind of English "negative subjunctive" which adds some modal emphasis.

Charles Townsen
On Feb 8, 2013, at 4:26 PM, Elena Gapova wrote:

Dear list members,

I am suffering over how to translate the following phrase into English without loosing too much of the emotion the speaker put into it:

«главное, чтобы в церковь с э т и м не заходили..- чтобы ноги не задирали самым похабным образом в диком танце своем, чтобы не корчились в масках на амвоне - святом месте для православных, куда верующие взгляд поднимают с благоговением...»

What bothers me most of all is  "чтобы... не.." What would the comparable English structure be?

Elena Gapova

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