Call for applications: NEH Summer Seminar The Ottoman and Russian Empires: Citizenship, Belonging and Difference in Washington DC, June 9-27, 2014

Sergey Glebov sglebov at SMITH.EDU
Fri Jan 10 18:20:49 UTC 2014

Dear Colleagues, We invite applications to a National Endowment of the 
Humanities Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers, *The 
Ottoman and Russian Empires: Citizenship, Belonging and Difference*, to 
be held at George Washington University, June 9-27, 2014. The seminar is 
open to fourteen NEH Summer Scholars, teachers of US undergraduate 
students, drawn from different disciplines and two full-time graduate 
students. Deadline for applications is March 4, 2014. For more 
information about the seminar and how to apply please consult: Co-directors Dina 
Rizk Khoury George Washington University Sergey Glebov Smith 
College/Amherst College

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