Teffi in Odessa, shortly before the Whites leave in early 1919

Robert Chandler kcf19 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Mon Jul 21 06:57:34 UTC 2014

Dear all,

Teffi calls on some friends and finds them very anxious because a  man they call "Dolbonosy" has now moved in to the apartment:
— Долбоносый въехал в квартиру и поселился в гостиной. Прислушайтесь!
Из гостиной через коридор неслись звуки очень неприятного ржавого голоса. Голос пел:
Мадам Лю-лю-у-у…
Я вас люблю-у-у…
Ага! Понимаю. Это был голос долбоносого субъекта, типа очень подозрительного, который шмыгал иногда по коридору, старательно отворачивая лицо. Кто-то из бывших у М-м узнал его и даже назвал кличку. Это был большевик из Москвы.

First, a simple question: does "назвал кличку" mean that this person has
told us all teh Bolshevik's already-existing nickname, that he had in Moscow?
given him this nickname for the first time?
I am almost sure that it means the former, but I felt I should check.

Second, how should we translate this nickname?  At present we have "Hammerbeak".


"Hammerbeak has moved in now.  He’s taken over the living room.  Listen!"
I listened.
The living room was at the far end of the corridor.  I could hear a very unpleasant and rusty voice, singing:
Madame Lou-lou…
I love you-ou…
I understood.  It was the voice of Hammerbeak, a very suspicious character indeed, who from time to time had used to scurry down the corridor with his face turned to the wall.  One of the Ms’ visitors had recognised him and even told them his nickname. Hammerbeak was a Bolshevik from Moscow.

All the best,


Robert Chandler, 42 Milson Road, London, W14 OLD

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