Keying Popular Orthographies in MS Word

Constantine Xmelnitski mosind at
Thu May 3 03:58:54 UTC 2001

Talking about Win9x, MS-Word, KeyMap, and, KeyMan.

In Win9x you cannot insert Unicode characters directly
thru keyboard. You can select a language with its code
page that will remap 256 characters to 65000 Unicode

KeyMap utility shows only first 256 characters of a
font, even if the font has thousands of them.

KeyMan does support Unicode starting from version 5.0.
It makes sense to use it with Win2K or WinNT

MS-Word 97 support Unicode thru Insert | Symbol and
some shortcuts. It is possible to record a macro and
assign any reasonable keystroke to it, as Ctrl-`-A. A
macro for "a-ogonek" (char #261) reads:
Selection.InsertSymbol CharacterNumber:=261,


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