Water monsters

Rankin, Robert L rankin at ku.edu
Sun Jan 27 17:44:54 UTC 2002

> Actually, I think that you could make a case that Crow buluksa'a is
> cognate--or partially cognate--with Dakota unktehi.  In Crow t can
become s before a low vowel, and sometimes VhV > VV.

>But I think bulu isn't a very good match for uN, u after denasalization.
And what usually happens to kt?  Isn't the k reduced to preaspiration?
On the other hand, wablus^ka has an extra wa over anything exhibited in
bulukta'a, and I'm not sure that uNktehi is terribly canonical in form
for Dakotan, either, though it falls within the general range of the
trickster term variants.

Crow historical phonology is pretty hazy to me.  Morphologically, I guess,
in my naivete, I'd expect the prefix /bi-/ in Crow.  Does this ever exhibit
vowel harmony and come out /bu-/ ?


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