Information / nouns vs. verbs

Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Sat Jan 11 19:43:37 UTC 2003

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Wablenica wrote:
> I wonder has anybody also heard the forms nitxathipipi, uNkitxathipi, and
> txathipipi - 'our house(s)', 'your(pl.) house(s)', and 'their house(s)'.

I take it this is sort of a dual (no pun intended) question, i.e., as to
inflected tha-possessive forms of thipi and as to doubling of pi in
conneciton wit this.  I certainly can't comment on this specifically, but,
generally, I've never run into a case in Siouan languages where a
particular enclitic of plurality (and possibly other things) could be
doubled where it seemed it might apply for more than one reason.

I don't recall what happens in languages like Mandan or Tutelo where there
are different pluralizing enclitics for different persons.


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