23rd Annual Siouan and Caddoan Conference

John Boyle jpboyle at midway.uchicago.edu
Wed Jul 30 21:42:18 UTC 2003

Hi everyone,

I too would like to know what the schedule  will look like.  I only
received a few (four) abstracts.  I'm hoping we can do better than
that.  Could all those interested in presenting a paper send me a
title (an abstract is optional but would be appreciated).  In
addition, could those attending but not presenting a paper let me
know, so that we know about how many to expect.  I would like to urge
everyone to present something - remember we are a rather informal lot
so it doesn't need to be polished.  In addition, anyone interested in
getting together on Thursday for a mini-workshop on syntax let me
know so we can find someplace (other than the local coffee shop) to
have it.


I look forward to hearing from MANY people.

Best wishes,

John Boyle

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