Fwd: Re: "vertitive"

lcumberl at indiana.edu lcumberl at indiana.edu
Tue Aug 31 13:39:38 UTC 2004

I wrote to Terry Kaufman to ask where he first used the term "vertitive" so I
could provide a citation and got this (surprising) reply. I'm forwarding it to
the list with his permission.


----- Forwarded message from TzajinKajaw at aol.com -----
    Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 16:15:25 EDT
    From: TzajinKajaw at aol.com
Reply-To: TzajinKajaw at aol.com
 Subject: Re: "vertitive"
      To: lcumberl at indiana.edu

I coined the term "verititve" and used it for a few years beginning in 1960;
around 1970 I reconsidered the derivation and changed it to versive.  But it
doesn't mean "going back, returning": it means "to become noun/adjective", and
is I believe pretty near a universal category/function; this term was devised
by me before some grammarians started misapplying the term "inchoative", which
really means "to get started doing something"

The category you are referreing to, I think, is one that I call "voltative",
and refers to coming back after going somewhere: this category is common in

Best wishes,
Terry Kaufman

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