Winnebago Song (Re: SSILA Bulletin #205) (fwd)

Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Thu Feb 5 20:21:54 UTC 2004

> >  hiz^aN                z^eeske=s^uNnuN=   naN
> >  one                   thus    habitually DECL
> So is HC z^e equivalent to OP dhe and Da le, 'this'?

No, it matches s^e, actually:  dee, z^ee, gaa.  This form is essentially
equivalent to a hypothetical *s^e=ska, and =sge (or =ske) is listed by
Lipkind as a dubitative, but the form z^ee'sge is defined as 'thus', cf.
OP eska(naN) 'perhaps'.  The 'in ... way' or 'wise' or 'like' enclitics
seem to very pretty variable between the branches of MVS, though most of
the particular forms you see have cognates.

> And is HC s^uNnuN equivalent to OP s^noN/hnoN/noN ?

S^uNunU does match s^naN and derivatives.

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