Same word, different meanings

"Alfred W. Tüting" ti at
Tue Oct 26 06:04:47 UTC 2004

>> (Rory) S^ettaN'na naNz^iN' naNz^iN'.
   Still      rain     stands
   It's still raining. <<<<

 > (John) Igot just:

NaNz^iN naNz^iN.  'It keeps on raining.'

This was considered a bit along the lines of word play, I think, though
not characterized as humorous.  It was just considered interesting that
you could say this. <<

This reminds me of Hungarian:

Még esik az esõ
Still falls the rain (It's still raining)

Here, the two words are no homonyms but two forms of the same word 'to
fall' i.e. "(it)falls the falling".

BTW, NaNz^iN naNz^iN.  'It KEEPS ON raining' looks like sort of
reduplication ;-)


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