synchronization of gesture and speech (was: Sign Language)

Justin McBride jmcbride at
Fri Jan 28 17:04:05 UTC 2005

> When I did fieldwork people did stress the importance of accompanying
> speech by appropriate gestures. The problem is, alas, they didn't
> specify what was to be considered appropriate. And neither had I read
> the abovementioned authors at that time, so I didn't know even where
> to start to look :-((((

I've always wondered how about the word order in Plains Sign Language,
especially in syncronizing signs with speech.  How many of the tribes that
used the signs were typologically SOV languages?  For that matter, how many
recognized "grammars" of PSL once existed?  And if there were more than a
few varieties, was it just a more or less common lexicon that leads to its
consideration as a single language?  Is there any other info on this out

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