'snake' and 'god' terms.

Rankin, Robert L rankin at ku.edu
Thu Aug 24 19:27:51 UTC 2006

> Wow, interesting!  The Biloxi words for 'root' are apparently tudi and udi (not sure if there's some semantic difference between the two), which I suppose could also possibly incorporate that -ti- root (although I'm not sure why t would change to d).  But 'tixi' meaning 'sacred (medicinal/curing) root' sounds very convincing and plausible to me, even more than the 'tea' interpretation!  
Udi is the normal BI reflex of common Siouan *hute' 'base, stump, etc.'  I don't know where the t- is coming from in the alternate form.  Haas (1968) as well as Dorsey had sporadic voicing of intervocalic stops in Biloxi.  [b, d, g] are therefore often variants of /p, t, k/, but [d] is ALSO the regular outcome of proto-Siouan *r in Biloxi, which accounts for why there are so many d's but so few b's and g's.

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