Yuecetu - Re: A great Polymath

"Alfred W. Tüting" ti at fa-kuan.muc.de
Tue Jun 27 09:00:26 UTC 2006

> Waunspeic'iya echel yuonihanphica kin! (...) Ho cha mis^ tokhel 
wichoh^'an kin echuns^niyan echamun hantanhans^, he un chantemas^icelo. 
Wan, miye cha thokeya thog iapi kin iwoblake lo. Thokatakiya letanhan, 
nioie kin he ogna, akhe ipaweh^ iblamnin kte sni yelo. Waunspekhiya, 
tokhi takuku lechas^  owawa kin hena ookah^nih^ theh^ike s^ni ni! Toks^a 
akhe, John na mitakuyepi unmapi kin, wochiciyakapelo, Clive le miye. <<

May I humbly join in this formal and quite appropriate apology ;-)


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