Rankin, Robert L rankin at ku.edu
Mon May 8 14:19:09 UTC 2006

> But, against that, we only find the medial glottal u? ~ u?u in Hidatsa and
the final glottal in (Hidatsa and) Mandan u?.  Croww just has uu' ~ uua',
though that implies ? per the reasoning you and Randy have put forth.
And nowhere do we find a trace of the distinctive patterns of inflection
with locatives that we find in Crow-Hidatsa (with VC-form pronouns in
PRO-LOC-STEM) or Mississippi Valley (with standard CV-form pronouns in

Actually, Ofo has just that pattern  (with VC-form pronouns in PRO-LOC-STEM) with its regular pronominals.  But with reflexes of the old irregular (consonantal) pronominals the locatives always precede the prns.  Crow and Hidatsa generally lack that conservative pronominal morphology that would allow us to check for older patterns.
We're gonna have to get John a decent unicode-compliant email reader.  The spam filters are good enough now that one needn't worry about being overwhelmed.  The new one here at KU gets all the spam and very little else.  

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