Koontz John E John.Koontz at colorado.edu
Fri May 12 15:57:38 UTC 2006

On Mon, 8 May 2006, Rankin, Robert L wrote:
> The Ponca cases provided very nice recorded examples in which the
> falling pitch "bottomed out" in the middle of a long or geminate vowel
> resulting in either [creaky voice] or [?] generated between the two
> halves of the VV sequence.  This often resulted in a "broken vowel", as
> SE Asianists like to call them.  So an earlier falling pitch (high pitch
> on the 1st mora) might be something to look at in phonetic [V?V]
> sequences.

Kathy Shea suggested to me that this "stod" behavior might be one
diagnostic (in slow speech) for long vowels in OP.

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