Policy Statement

Rankin, Robert L rankin at ku.edu
Fri Aug 3 01:32:16 UTC 2007

Oh dear.  I should hope that no one would take offense at such a mild term as 'groupie'.  I must admit that I never noticed it.  What must they think of me, using the term "Dhegiholics" as I do?  I'd suggest that we merely forgive such usage (unless, of course, it's from a minimalist or an optimologist!).  (Or a sociolinguistician).  (Or . . . ).
Kaw pow-wow this weekend in Kaw City, OK.!


From: owner-siouan at lists.colorado.edu on behalf of Koontz John E
Sent: Thu 8/2/2007 7:04 PM
To: Siouan List
Subject: Policy Statement

It has been pointed out to me that one of the posters on this list
referred to someone else as a Siouan Groupie.  I believe this was
essentially an unfortunate variant on Siouan List member.  However, I will
have to insist that this form of reference be avoided in the future.

In general, if I believed anyone was being deliberately and personally
offensive I would be forced to delete the offender from the list.
Relevant criticisms which are obvious or defensible, such as "Koontz's
execrable ear," will be considered on a case by case basis, though I would
hope for a more merciful phrasing.

John E. Koontz

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