Request for info: Siouan and Caddoan Conference

Justin McBride jmcbride at
Tue May 18 21:13:28 UTC 2010

Hey, gang,

I hate to ask a question that may have already been answered elsewhere, but do we know for sure what days will be devoted to the comparative grammar workshop and what days will be specifically for the conference proper? Linda and I are trying to coordinate her travel up to Chicago, but our dept'l budget is so slim on this line item that we can't send her to both the workshop and the conference. So we're shooting for just the conference dates only--and, yes, she plans on presenting a paper. I assume those dates will just be Friday and Saturday. Am I right about that?

I won't be able to make it up, myself. But I'll miss y'all, and hope to see you next year... Lord willin' and the creek don't rise. :)

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