Siouan list management team

Mark Awakuni-Swetland mawakuni-swetland2 at UNL.EDU
Fri Feb 14 18:47:18 UTC 2014

Hello all,

This is Rory typing.  I'm with Mark in his office right now, and we are working out how to manage the Siouan list going forward.  Mark is somewhat visually impaired at present, and can't do the typing stuff, but otherwise is very much on the ball.

Mark:  Due to health issues (being practically blind), I want to make sure list functions are not impaired.  List members (Rory Larson and Loren Frerichs) have agreed/volunteered/stepped forward to assist.  Now we have a UNL-based management team.  We will figure out a way to contact us.

Rory:  This morning I met with Loren Frerichs, a former Omaha student of ours and a computer guru with godly powers over the listserv.  He made the two of us co-owners, along with Mark, over the Siouan list.  So in the future, either of us should also work for setting up new accounts, etc.

Mark:  We will go through all pending requests and act on them.  If we fail to find your request, or your students' request, give us a shout!

Mark and Rory

Mark Awakuni-Swetland, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Anthropology & Ethnic Studies
Native American Studies
University of Nebraska
Oldfather Hall 841
Lincoln, NE 68588-0368

Office: 402-472-3455
FAX: 402-472-9642<><>

"Tenixa uqpatha egoN", a biama winisi akHa.

Lincoln Gem and Mineral Club, Inc.
Secretary (2013, 2014)
Post Office Box 5342
Lincoln, NE 68505-0342

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