Preliminary TISLR 6 program

Fri Jul 10 18:17:17 UTC 1998

From:	GALLUA::CLUCAS       10-JUL-1998 13:52:18.21
Subj:	Preliminary TISLR 6 program

TISLR 6: Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research
              Preliminary  Program

Thursday, November 11, 1998
Pre-Conference Workshop: ÒOrientation to Theoretical Issues in Sign Language ResearchÓ
Susan Mather, Gallaudet University

Introductory Remarks: Dr. I. King Jordan,  Dr. Mike Kemp
Conference Opening:  Dr. William Stokoe ÔAn Ancient Theoretical IssueÕ

Friday												8:30-8:45	Opening,  Announcements											
8:45-9:30	Keynote Address: Dr. Lars Wallin 
                        (Title Forthcoming)

Session 1: Language Acquisition
Marlon Kuntze, Stanford University, Philip Prinz, San Francisco State University and Michael Strong, University of California, Santa Cruz  	'Sign and word: Variability in the relationship between deaf student's American Sign Language proficiency and Engli

Gene Mirus, Christian Rathmann and Richard Meier, University of Texas, Austin	'Proximalization of sign movement by second language learners'	

Session 2: Semantics	
Norine Berenz, University of Witwatersrand  'A cross-linguistic study of negation'	

Sandra Wood, Purdue University  'Don't know nothing about none'	

Session 3: Sociolinguistics	
Debra Aarons, University of Stellenbosch and Ruth Morgan, Community Agency for Social Enquiry  'The linguistic structure of South African Sign Language after apartheid'	

Constanze Schmaling, Hamburg University	'ASL in northern Nigeria: Will Hausa Sign Language survive?'																																				
11:00-11:20	Break																																					
Session 4: Language Acquisition	
John Bonvillian and Theodore Siedlecki, University of Virginia	'Young children's acquisition of the formational aspects of American Sign Language Signs: Parental report findings'		

Astrid Vercaingne-MŽnard and Marie Labelle, UniversitŽ du QuŽbec ˆ MontrŽal	'Development of narrative competence in three deaf children using Quebec Sign Language'	

Session 5: Semantics 
Ronnie Wilbur, Purdue University	'Generic and habitual structure in ASL: What's brow raise got to do with it?'	

Gaurav	Mathur, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Christian Rathmann and Gene Mirus, University of Texas at Austin  'Why Not 'GIVE-US': An articulatory constraint in signed languages'

Session 6: Sociolinguistics								11:20-12:00	
AnneMarie Currie and Amanda Holzrichter, University of Texas, Austin	'A cross-linguistic examination of Mexican Sign Language with ASL, Spanish and Japanese Sign Languages'		

Nini Hoiting, Royal Institute for the Deaf and Dan Slobin, University of California, Berkeley	'Typological and modality constraints on borrowing: Examples from the Sign Language of the Netherlands'		
12:40-2:00	Lunch											
																									Session 7: Phonology Workshop	
Onno Crasborn, Harry van der Hulst and Els van der Kooij, Leiden University	'SignPhon: A database tool for cross-linguistic phonological analysis of sign languages'		

Session 8: Psycholinguistics	
Matt Dye, University of Southampton  'Phonological form and meaning in BSL'	

David Corina and Ursula Hildebrandt, University of Washington	'Phonological similarity in ASL: What is a signed rhyme?'

Session 9: Morphology and Syntax	
Irit Meir, University of Haifa  'The analysis of two verb classes in Israeli Sign Language'	

Jackeline Miazzo, Rosana Belaunde and Delia Suardiaz, Universidad Nacional de San Luis	'Argentine Sign Language: Locative expressions'	

3:20-4:20	Poster Session									
Jill Morford, University of New Mexico	'Language development in late learners: A longitudinal study'

Michelle Anthony and Nancy Fuller, Rhode Island School for the Deaf 'The role of classifiers in predicting English literacy skills among deaf adults'

Shannon Casey and Robert Kluender, University of California, San Diego  'Pre-linguistic features of gesture in hearing adults'

Karen Emmorey, Brenda Falgier, Salk Insitute for Biological Studies, and Morton Ann Gernsbacher, University of Wisconsin - Madison  'Processing ASL vs. reading English: Insights into the nature of suppression mechanisms'

Cori Grimm, State University of New York, Buffalo	'The semantic basis of argument structure in American Sign Language'

Diane Lillo-Martin, Ronice Mueller de Quadros, University of Connecticut, and Gaurav Mather, Massachusetts Institute of Technology  'Acquisition of verb agreement in ASL and LIBRAS: A cross linguistic study

Susan McBurney, David Corina and George Ojemann, University of Washington  'Cortical stimulation and sign language disruption: A case study'

Dale Ogilvy, University of Cape Town, South Africa	'Linguistic and cognitive functions in the learning disabled deaf'

Shih-jay Tzeng, National Taitung Teachers' College, Taiwan  'Language mode, language production rate, working memory span, and reading comprehension of Chinese deaf readers'

Philip Prinz, San Francisco State University, Marlon Kuntze, Stanford University and Michael Strong, San Francisco State University	'Sign and word: Comparing deaf student's American Sign Language proficiency and English literacy acquisition'

Ethan Remmel, Stanford University, Jeffrey Bettger, San Francisco State University, and Amy Weinberg, University of California at Berkeley	'The impact of ASL on theory of mind development'

Laurel Standley, University of New Mexico  'The effects of delayed first and second language acquisition on the robust and fragile features of language'

Rain Grant Bosworth and Karen R. Dobkins, University of California, San Diego	'Differences between ASL signers and English non-signers in hemispheric processing of moving stimuli'

Brenda Schick, Elaine Gale, Jenny Lin, University of Colorado, Boulder,  Robert Hoffmeister, Wende Grass and Marsha Unger, Boston University  'ASL skills in deaf children in deaf families and hearing families'

Cecilia Coux, Sylvia Ugalde and Delia Suardiaz, Universidad Nacional de San Luis  'Acquisition of Argentine Sign Language as a second language'

Delia Suardiaz and Rosana Belaunde, Universidad Nacional de San Luis  'Argentine Sign Language: Markedness and acquisition'

Marion Blondel, Universite de Tours and Christopher Miller, Universite  du QuŽbec  'Rhythmic structure of LSF nursery rhymes'
Session 10: Phonology		
Wendy Sandler, University of Haifa  'The medium is the message: Prosodic interpretation of linguistic content in a sign languageÕ	

Diane Brentari, Purdue University	'Modality differences in sign language syllable structureÕ	

Session 11: Psycholinguistics		
Margaret Wilson, North Dakota State University and Karen Emmorey, Salk Institute for Biological Studies  'Spatial coding in working memory for signs'	
Patrick Boudreault and Rachel Mayberry, McGill University  'Grammatical processing in ASL: Effects of structural complexity and learning experience'

Session 12: Morphology and Syntax
Daisuke Sasaki, University of Texas, Austin	'Movement classification and aspectual modulation'
Brita Bergman and Lars Wallin, Stockholm University  'The discourse function of noun classifiers in Swedish Sign Language'

6:00-8:00	Reception and Art Exhibit:  Paul Johnston																							
8:30-8:45	 Announcements											
Keynote Address:  Dr. Karen Emmorey
ÔSome Consequences of Using Signing Space to Represent Physical SpaceÕ																	
Session 13: Sociolinguistics Workshop
Ceil Lucas, Steven Collins, Mary Rose and Susan Schatz, Gallaudet University, Robbin Hoopes, Georgetown University, Robert Bayley, University of Texas, San Antonio, Karen Petronio, Eastern Kentucky State University  'Linguistic variation in sign languages

Session 14: Phonology
d'Armond Speers, Georgetown University  'A digital lexicon for American Sign Language: Computational phonology based on Liddell and Johnson's Move-Hold Model'	

Christopher Miller, UniversitŽ du QuŽbec ˆ MontrŽal  'Finger sets'

Session 15: Assessment
Susan Maller, Jenny Singleton, University of Illinois, Sam Supalla, University of Arizona, Tina Wix, Laurent Clerc Elementary School, Tucson, Arizona  'The development and psychometric properties of the American Sign Language Proficiency Assessment (ASL-P
Rachel Stone, Western Maryland College  'ASLPI assessment: Language performance profiles'					
11:00-11:20	Break									

Session 16: Sociolinguistics	
Alejandro Oviedo, Universidad de los Andes and Blanca de Escorcia, Universidad del Valle	'Colombian and Venezuelan Sign Language: Two languages or two dialects of the same general sign language?'

Jean Ann, Gallaudet University  'Dialectal variation in Taiwan Sign Language: Evidence from morphology, syntax and the lexicon'

Session 17: Phonology	
Harry van der Hulst and Els van der Kooij, Leiden University  'Distinctive locations in Nederlandse Gebarentaal'

Els van der Kooij, Leiden University	'Weak drop in Nederlandse Gebarentaal'

Session 18: Gesture / Sign Relations
Marie Coppola, Elissa Newport, Ted Supalla and Ann Senghas, University of Rochester  'Aspect and number marking in family-based gesture systems in Nicaragua'

Boris Fridman-Mintz, Georgetown University  'Perfective and imperfective aspects in Mexican Sign Language'																																	
12:40-2:00  Lunch									

Session 19: Morphology and Syntax	
Heleen Bos, University of Amsterdam  'Stretched mouthing in Sign Language of the Netherlands (SLN)'

Valerie Dively, Gallaudet University	'Signs without hands: American Sign Language non-handed signs'

Session 20: Language Acquisition	
Adrianne Cheek, Kearsy Cormier, and Richard Meier, University of Texas, Austin  'Continuities and discontinuities between manual babbling and early signing'

Deborah Chen, University of Connecticut  'Contributions of early ASL to cross-linguistic understanding of word-order acquisition'

Session 21: Poetics and Metaphor
Sarah Taub, Gallaudet University  'Complex superposition of metaphors in an ASL poem'

Cathy Haas and Elizabeth Bonnet, Stanford University  'Similarities and differences in the iconicity of ASL and LSF'

3:20-4:20	Poster Session

Rachel Crain  'Predicting weak drop and weak freeze in ASL: Optionality in optimality theory'

Susan Fischer and Yutaka Osegi  'Evidence for feature movement in Wh-questions in ASL and NS'

Trevor Johnson, Renwick College, University of Newcastle  ÔLexis as 'most delicate grammar': rethinking the grammar of a sign language based on an empirical approach to the sign lexiconÕ

Maria de la luz Perea Costa  'Spanish and Italian Sign Languages: Signs for food'

Victoria Nyst, Leiden University  'Handshapes in Ugandan Sign Language'

Alice Rose, San Francicsco State University and University of California, Berkeley, Philip Prinz and Michael Strong, San Francisco State University	'Deaf students' narrative discourse abilities in ASL and written English: Assessment considerations'

Claire Ramsey, University of Nebraska - Lincoln  'Using ASL to discuss texts in and out of school'

David McKee and Graeme Kennedy, Victoria University of Wellington  'Lexical comparisons of signs from Auslan, British Sign Language, and New Zealand Sign Language

Serena	Corazza and Elena Pizzuto, Institute of Psychology, National Research Council, Italy	'Classifiers in Italian Sign Language: A cross-linguistic perspective'

Johanna Mesch, Stockholm University  'Tactile sign language and turn-taking in signed conversations of deaf-blind'

Rosana A. Belaunde and Delia Suardiaz, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina  'Home signs of Argentine deaf children not exposed to sign language'

Shannon Casey,  University of California, San Diego  'The origins of verb agreement in signed languages: An analysis of deaf children's action gestures'

Leila Monaghan, University of California, Los Angeles  'Creating standardized communication in the New Zealand Deaf community'

Arika Okrent, University of Chicago  'Some functions are better left unspoken'

Nancy Frishberg, New Media Centers  'How an interpreter constructs space'

Session 22: Discourse Analysis
Michael Morgan, Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics  'Tracking topic in Japanese Sign Language discourse: Index and icon'

Melanie Metzger, Gallaudet University  'The interaction of frames and schema in ASL - English interpreted discourse'

Session 23: Gesture / Sign Relations
Scott Liddell, Gallaudet University  'Indicating verbs: Pointing away from agreement'

Paul Dudis, Gallaudet University  'Maintenance and development of blended space in ASL narratives'
Session 24: Poetics and Metaphor	
Rachel Sutton-Spence, University of Bristol  'BSL poetry: A linguistic analysis of the work of Dorothy Miles'

Lourdes Pietrosemoli, Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela  'Politeness in Venezuelan Sign Language'

7:00:		Banquet

8:00		Entertainment: ASL Storytelling and Poetry


Session 25: Historical Linguistics Symposium
Karen Naughton and James MacFarlane, University of New Mexico, and Bonnie Rudy, California State University, Northridge	'Grammaticization process in sign languages'

Session 26: Discourse Analysis Symposium
Marion Blondel, Universite de Tours, Colette Dubuisson, Linda Lajeunesse, Christopher Miller, Anne-Marie Parisot, UniversitŽ du QuŽbec ˆ MontrŽal, and Christine Poulin, Stanford University  'The tortoise and the hare: Constructing meaning in narrative spa

Session 27: Assessment
Carola Rooijmans, A. E. Baker and J. A. Coerts, University of Amsterdam  'Language production of deaf children learning Sign Language of the Netherlands in spontaneous and structured situations'

Adam Schembri, Macquarie University, Robert Adam, Renwick College, Gillian Wigglesworth, Macquarie University, Trevor Johnston, Renwick College, Roz Barker, Macquarie University,  and Greg Leigh, Renwick College  'The test battery for Auslan morphology an
10:20-10:40	Break

Session 28: Historical Linguistics
Phyllis Wilcox, University of New Mexico  'Crossing a metaphorical ocean: Grammaticalization of GIVE in ASLÕ

Ted Supalla, University of Rochester	'Reconstructing early ASL grammar through historical films'	

Session 29: Gesture / Sign Relations and Discourse Analysis
Ruth Bergida, Boston University, and Judy Kegl, Rutgers University  'Categorization of ASL question faces by hearing non-signers'	

Elizabeth Winston, University of Colorado, Boulder and ELRC  'Contextualizing prosody in ASL'	

Session 30: Morphology and Syntax
10:ee Rancourt,Univ. du Quebec a Montreal, A Typology of emphatic stress in
RenŽe Rancourt, UniversitŽ du QuŽbec ˆ MontrŽal  'A typology of emphatic stress in LSQ'

Ulrike Zeshan,  University of Cologne  'Functions of the index in IPSL'																
                Reading Research with Signers: A New Research Direction   	

                       ÔReading Research with Signers: A New Research Direction

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