Sign activates the auditory area.

T.Hasama hasama at NIPPON-SEIKI.CO.JP
Thu Jan 14 09:34:13 UTC 1999


I'd like to tell about an article which was on Japan Economic News, today(14th
Dr.Nishimura, a reseacher of Osaka Univ. found experimentarily that deaf people
 are handling sign
in auditory area of brain.
Subject was a deaf man, aged over 50. Several sign like "father","brother",or
 "TV" of JSL
are shown to him, and they studied what part of the brain was activated.
I don't know what method was used for the study, but I hear the medical
 department of Osaka
Univ. has a latest SQUID. So I guess they used SQUID for the study. But I don't
 know it is sure or not.

The result of his experiment will be on a british science magazine 'Nature'.
 published today.
If you want to know details, please get this magazine.

Please pardon my poor English.
Toshihiro Hasama

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