
Adam Schembri acschembri at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Jun 4 06:24:01 UTC 1999


The references you asked for are:

Casey, S. (1998). The origins of verb agreement in signed languages: An
analysis of deaf children's action gestures. Paper presented at the Sixth
International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research,
Gallaudet University, Washington DC.

Casey, S. & Kluender, R. (1998). Pre-linguistic features of gesture in
hearing adults. Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference on
Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, Gallaudet University,
Washington DC.

Others asked for the following reference:

Iverson, J.M. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (1998). "Why people gesture when they
speak" In Nature 396, 228.


Adam Schembri

>From: Beppie van den Bogaerde <beppie at CRYSTAL.FEO.HVU.NL>
>Reply-To: "For the discussion of linguistics and signed languages."
>Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 08:33:36 +0100
>oops - something went wrong with the last message I send
>I agree with Adam on the acquisition of flection/agreement etc. by young
>deaf children. It is very interesting to see, that before 3;0 deaf children
>of deaf mothers hardly produce agreement HOWEVER - I found that deaf
>do NOT offer much agreement in verbs, they don't offer many verbs at all.
>Only around age 2;6 deaf mothers (in the Netherlands, n=6) begin to inflect
>the verbs they offer to the children. We think one of the reasons might be
>the here-and-now nature of the interaction, which might enhance the use of
>deictics, which in its turn would inhibit the use of agreement. well- we
>still working on this :-)
>And Adam, could I get the references of Casey and Casey & Kuender (1998)
>mentioned? Also, does anyone have the email adress of Jana Iverson?
>Thanks all
>bye for now
>Beppie van den Bogaerde
>Beppie van den Bogaerde
>Teacher/Interpreter SLN Training
>Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek
>Hogeschool van Utrecht
>  P.O.Box 14007
>3508 Utrecht
>The Netherlands
>FAX *31302540349

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