Continuous vs. Repetitive inflection in ASL

Linda Lee Lonning lonning at CSD.UWM.EDU
Wed May 12 15:05:59 UTC 1999

On Fri, 7 May 1999, Don & Theresa G wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> >I was just wondering if anyone had a feeling about the difference between
> >continuous and repetitive inflections in ASL with signs such as 'kill'
> >
> >For example, what would be the difference semantically if I were to sign:
> >
> >1. THE MAN KILLED-rep
> >
> >2. THE MAN KILLED-cont
> >
> I'm not exactly sure what you want to know, but in number 1, semantically,
> it would mean the man "killed over and over", as in a serial killer.    In
> number 2, it would mean the man "kept on killing", as in going on a killing
> spree, a la Cunanan or the psycho boys of Littleton.
> --Donald Grushkin

Don't we need more information than what no's 1 & 2 describe above--such
as non-manual marker present and also sign's location in space (esp. as
relating to recuring OVER TIME morpheme)?

I beg to pick apart the idea that killing "over and over" equates "serial
killer."  I think that the notion of being a serial killer is that
separate, numerous episodes occurred, and this is why I ask if the sign's
location and OVER TIME temporal aspect isn't crucial here.  I can sign
KILL+++ at one location and in ASL as I understand it that could very well
indicate multiple occurances at one sight/at one episode.  I don't think
this would connote a serial killing, but rather a mass murder.

Out of respect regarding the recent Littleton incident, I want to use
another sign as a similar example here.
Another example where space is crucial is that if the signer set up the
signing space as one site and identified it as such with people present,
indexed to assign locations in space, and then the sign KISS was used
repeatedly agreeing in general location to indicate the object which is
the recipient of the action.

What do you all think?

Linda L. Lonning, BS, CT
Community Interpreter--My other "hat" ;)

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