Not about The Amsterdam Manifest

Greftegreff, Irene irene.greftegreff at KS-MOLLER.NO
Thu Aug 24 19:52:27 UTC 2000

For some reason it took two days for my post about the Amsterdam Manifesto
to reach the list. It's very redundant now, I'm afraid. I'm not going to
bore you with what I would have said if I had taken the time to say it
better, because someone else already did.

Something else:

It seems there's suddenly an abundancy of literature about narrative, but it
mostly concerns reference, and not the issue of what makes a story a good
story, which is what interests me more.

I'm analyzing some texts by gifted storytellers, particularly how they use
repetition and mirroring of elements on several levels. Surely they can't be
the only ones who use these literary devices. Is anyone else out there
working on something similar, I wonder?

I think I've read most or all of what there is in print, so I'm more
interested in work that is on the verge of being published. Or just on the
planning stage, whatever.  :)

(trying to get her Dr. Art. degree over and done with)

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