Documenting Historical Change in ASL

Inge Zwitserlood inge.zwitserlood at LET.UU.NL
Fri Nov 17 10:46:18 UTC 2000

That's interesting! Are there any papers from these presentations available?

Inge Zwitserlood

>At 10:21 AM +0100 11/16/00, Inge Zwitserlood wrote:
>>How about Frishberg, N. 1975 Arbitrariness and Iconicity: Historical Change
>>in American Sign Language
>>Language 51 (1975)
>And Ted Supalla's recent work on morphological change in ASL,
>using old films as data. Presented both at TISLR-Washington DC
>and the Conference in Honor of William C. Stokoe.
>Carol Padden

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