Dan Parvaz dparvaz at UNM.EDU
Wed Feb 21 00:04:54 UTC 2001

> Is there any difference between ASK and ASK-TO, other than the inflectional
> aspect of ASK-TO, which ASK doesn't have?

For the benefit of the non-ASL signers on the list: ASK-TO begins with a
closed fist in the asker's space, palm toward the askee, index finger
extended upward. This is moved toward the askee while bending the top two
joints of the index finger, representing a (lenited) question mark going
from the asker to the askee.

I have no native instincts on this -- what with not being a native and all
-- but I was always under the impression that ASL/PRAY kept a core meaning
of supplication, asking for a boon, etc. ASK-TO seems to have more of a
meaning of eliciting information, even if the information requested is
whether or not permission would be granted.



. .   D A N  P A R V A Z  --  Geek-in-Residence
 U    University of New Mexico Linguistics Dept
 -    dparvaz@{,}   505.480.9638

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