Lingujistics Association meeting - Liverpool & day meeting in London

B. Woll b.woll at CITY.AC.UK
Wed Feb 27 18:30:10 UTC 2002

Below is the programme for the spring meeting of the Linguistics
Association of Great Britain. There are several sessions dedicated to
sign linguistics papers which SLLING-L members should find of
particular interest. The full programme and registration form are at the
end of this message.

Sign linguists attending the LAGB are also invited to participate in a 1-
day workshop on sign linguistics at City University London, which will
be held on the Friday, 12 April, the day after the LAGB finishes. There
will be a small administrative charge for the workshop to cover
interpreting costs, coffees and teas. If you would like to attend the
London workshop, please contact Bencie Woll <b.woll at>
before 1 April, so that we can work out the numbers and charges.

Bencie Woll
City University London

LAGB Spring Meeting 2001: Edge Hill College of Higher Education

 Second Circular

The 2001 Spring Meeting will be held from 9th to 11th April at Edge Hill
College of Higher Education, where the Association will be the guests
of the Department of English Language and Literature. The local
organisers are Patrick Honeybone (honeybop at and
Kevin Watson (watsonk at Postal enquiries about the
meeting should be addressed to: Patrick Honeybone, Department of
English, Edge Hill College of Higher Education, Ormskirk, Lancashire,
L39 4QP.

Please check the Meeting's website for updates and further details:

Edge Hill College is situated just north of Liverpool, a vibrant city with a
world-class reputation for its contributions to popular and classical
culture. The Liverpool Tate gallery, the stunning architecture, famous
football clubs and the several shrines to the Beatles are just a few of
the reasons why visitors are drawn to the city from around the world.
Edge Hill is in Ormskirk, an ancient Lancashire market town, which,
though it now feels the urban draw of Liverpool, has a history and
identity of its own and is within a short distance of the rural beauty of
both the Lake District and the Peak District. Ormskirk is also close to
the seaside towns of Blackpool and Southport and the vast urban
centre of Greater Manchester.

Accommodation: Edge Hill has a compact and easily accessible
campus. Accommodation, talks, the book display and food will all be
within easy walking distance of each other. All bedrooms are single,
and there is a choice between rooms with en suite facilities and rooms
with shared bathrooms/showers.

Registration: will begin at 12 noon on Tuesday 9th of April in the Main
Entrance Foyer at Edge Hill. This is the obvious entrance to the
college's main building and will be clearly sign-posted.

Bar: a bar will be available during the two evenings of the conference.

Food: please indicate vegetarian and any other dietary requirements on
the booking form below.

Childcare: if you require childcare during the conference, please
contact the Local Organiser for further details.

Travel: Edge Hill College is situated in Ormskirk, just north of
Liverpool. Liverpool Lime Street station is served by regular Intercity
and cross-country trains and connections from everywhere in Britain,
and there is a frequent connection to Ormskirk from Liverpool Central
station, on the Northern Line of Liverpool's suburban railway network
(the 'Merseyrail'). Liverpool Central station can easily be reached by
public transport from Liverpool John Lennon Airport and Manchester
Airport. Ormskirk station also has a less frequent train service to
Preston. Edge Hill can be reached by car off the A59 or A570; the
A570 can be reached from the M6 by taking the M58 (towards
Liverpool) at junction 26. Further details on how to reach Edge Hill will
be posted on the website address given above. Please contact the
Local Organiser with any queries.

Parking: Free parking will be available on campus during the
conference, as it is taking place during the Easter vacation.

Events: The following events will form part of the meeting: · The
Linguistics Association 2002 Lecture on Tuesday evening will be
delivered by Professor Judy Kegl (University of Southern Maine); title
"Serial Verbs in an Emergent Language" · There will be a Workshop on
Sign Language Linguistics, organised by Dr Bencie Woll (City
University). · There will be a Language Tutorial on British Sign
Language, by Dr Bencie Woll (City University). A session of Linguistics
at School will be held, organised by the LAGB Education Committee,
entitled: "Linguistics in teacher education".

There will be a Wine Party on Tuesday night, hosted by Edge Hill's
Research Office.

Bookings: should be sent to the Local Organisers, on the booking form
at the end of this mailing. There is a 10% discount on bookings
received by Friday 15th March and accommodation can only be
guaranteed if it is booked before this date. Cheques should be made
payable to "Edge Hill Enterprises Ltd".

Guests: members may invite any number of guests to meetings of the
association, upon payment of a guest invitation fee of 5 pounds in
addition to the standard fees. Members wishing to invite guests should
photocopy the enclosed booking form.

Abstracts: are available to members who are unable to attend the
meeting. Please order using the booking form below.

Annual General Meeting: This is to be held on the afternoon of 10 April.
Items for the agenda should be sent to the Honorary Secretary.

Nominations for speakers: Nominations are requested for future guest
speakers; all suggestions should be sent to the Honorary Secretary.

Changes of address: Members are reminded to notify the Membership
Secretary (address below) of changes of address. An institutional
address is preferred; bulk mailing saves postage.

 Committee members:

President   Professor April McMahon Department of English Language
and Linguistics, University of Sheffield, 5 Shearwood Road, Sheffield
S10 2TD   april.mcmahon at

Honorary Secretary
Dr Ad Neeleman
Dept. of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London, Gower
Street, London WC1E 6BT
ad at

Membership Secretary
Dr David Willis
Dept. of Linguistics, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick Avenue,
CB3 9DA   dwew2 at

Meetings Secretary
Dr Marjolein Groefsema
Dept. of Linguistics, University of Hertfordshire, Watford Campus,
Aldenham, Herts. WD2 8AT   m.groefsema at
oe fsema.htm

Dr Wiebke Brockhaus
Dept. of German, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL
  wiebke.brockhaus at

Assistant Secretary
Dr Gillian Ramchand
Centre for Linguistics and Philology, Walton Street, Oxford OX1 2HG
gillian.ramchand at

Nominations for the Committee

David Willis's term as Membership Secretary is reaching its end, and
he has indicated that he does not want to stand again. Therefore, the
LAGB would like to receive nominations for a new Membership

All enquiries and nominations should reach the Assistant Secretary,
Gillian Ramchard, by 30 March at <gillian.ramchand at linguistics->.

Internet home page: The LAGB internet home page is now active at the
following address:

Electronic network: Please join the LAGB electronic network which is
used for disseminating LAGB information and for consulting members
quickly. It can be subscribed to by sending the message "add lagb" to:
majordomo at

Future Meetings:

17-19 September 2002            UMIST
14-16 April 2003                University of Sheffield
4-6 September 2003              University of Sussex
Spring 2004 (provisional)       University of Surrey Roehampton


Tuesday 9 April


2.00    Workshop on Sign Language Linguistics
Organised by Dr Bencie Woll (City University)

2.00 - 2.30     Introduction:
Judy Kegl, University of Southern Maine; Gary Morgan, City University
Researching signed languages: coding and transcription issues

2.30 - 3.15     First talk
Gary Morgan, City University London
Current issues in sign language acquisition

3.15 - 3.45     Second Talk Bencie Woll, City University London Sign
Language and the Brain:  a review of current research on functional
imaging studies and implications for understanding the relationship of
modality and linguistic structure

3.45 TEA

4.15 - 4.45     Research in progress: brief reports by research

4.45 - 5.30     Third talk Diane Brentari, Purdue University; Wendy
Sandler, University of Haifa; Adam Schembri, University of Bristol;
Bencie Woll, City University; Gary Morgan, City University; Judy Kegl,
University of Southern Maine Discussion panel: Cross-linguistic
research on sign languages: issues and problems

5.30 - 6.00     General discussion


8.00 Linguistics Association 2002 Lecture

Professor Judy Kegl (University of Southern Maine)

"Serial Verbs in an Emergent Language"

hosted by Edge Hill's Research Office

Wednesday 10 April

Session A
9.00      Joanne Close (York) 'Double aspectuals in English dialects:  a
multiple spell-out approach'
9.40      Amela Camdzic and Dick Hudson (UCL)
'Serbo-Croat clitics in Word Grammar'
10.20     Delia Bentley (Manchester) 'On ne-cliticisation'

Session B
9.00      Christian Rathmann (University of Texas at Austin) 'Re-
visiting topic constructions in signed languages' 9.40
Gaurav Mathur (University of Connecticut) 'On number and agreement
in signed languages'
10.20     Inge Zwitserlood and Ingeborg van Gijn (UiL OTS / Utrecht
University and City University / University of Amsterdam) 'On the
relation between agreement and pro-drop in signed languages'

Session C
9.00      Shih-Ping Wang (Ming Chuan University / Nottingham)
'Corpus-based approaches to ablaut reduplication and frozen word
9.40      Ana Luís (Essex) 'The morphophonology of pronominal
affixes in European Portuguese'
10.20     Jacques Durand (Toulouse) 'The PFC project:  overview and
first results'

11.00 COFFEE

11.30             Language Tutorial on British Sign Language
    Bencie Woll (City University)

1.00 LUNCH

Session A
2.00     Linguistics at school: "Linguistics in teacher education". Chair:
Sue Barry (Manchester)
Kate Ruttle (Ditton Lodge First School, Newmarket) Linguistics and
assessment in primary literacy.
Keith Brown (Centre for Research in English and Applied Linguistics,
Cambridge) What, why and how?
John Keen (University of Manchester School of Education) Language
and assessment for writing development.

For more information, see:

Session B
2.00      Corinne Iten (UCL) 'Even if:  a pragmatic perspective on the
'consequent-entailment' problem'
2.40      Rosa Vega-Moreno (UCL) 'Ad hoc concepts as constituents of
the proposition expressed:  evidence from idioms'

Session C
2.00      Melinda Whong-Barr (Durham) 'Valency-changing functional
morphology and L2 acquisition'
2.40      Cécile van der Weert (Reading) 'Nature or nurture:  structured
information knowledge'

3.30 TEA

Session A
4.00      M. Ward (Dublin City University) 'Linguistics, CALL and
endangered languages:  a Nawat perspective'

Session B
4.00      Yukiko Morimoto (Düsseldorf) 'Grammatical coding of
non-prototypical objects in Bantu'

Session C
4.00      Emma Thomas (Essex) 'On the status of 'in' and 'on' in
directional expressions'

4.45 LAGB Annual General Meeting


Thursday 11 April

Session A
9.00      Matthew Baerman (Sussex) 'Against ordered morphological
9.40      Laurie Bauer (Victoria University of Wellington) 'Where did
you get those As?'
10.20     Yuki-Shige Tamura (Osaka) 'Relative viewing arrangement
and English tenses in complement clauses'

Session B
9.00      Willem Hollmann (Manchester) 'The rise of causative get with
an infinitive:  a usage-based account'
9.40      Richard Ingham (Reading) 'Diachronic change in Middle
English negated arguments'
10.20     David Willis (Cambridge) 'Headedness in Welsh numeral
phrases and its implications for theories of language change'

Session C
9.00      Roland Pfau (Amsterdam) and Markus Steinbach (Mainz)
'Optimal reciprocals in German Sign Language'
9.40      Wendy Sandler (Haifa / Nijmegen) 'From phonetics to
discourse:  the nondominant hand and the grammar of sign language'
10.20     Onno Crasborn (Nijmegen) 'Phonetic variation in the
handshape parameter of Sign Language of the Netherlands'

11.00 COFFEE

11.30 Language Tutorial continues

1.00 LUNCH

Session A
2.00      Thórhallur Eythórsson (Manchester) 'Changes in case
marking in Faroese:  a cue-based account'
2.40      Maria Lekakou (UCL) 'Why there is no middle construction'

Session B
2.00      Gaëtanelle Gilquin (Louvain) 'Syntactic structure and corpus
linguistics:  the case of English causative constructions'
2.40      Sun-Ho Hong (Essex) 'A paradigm in A-movement and A'-

Session C
2.00      Jose Maria Garcia Nunez (Cadiz) 'Focusability, quantification
and distribution in English higher adverbs'
2.40      Jonny Butler (York) 'What 'mustn't' and 'can't' mustn't and
can't mean: propositions, propositional operators, and vP'



Please return this form to: Patrick Honeybone, Department of English,
Edge Hill College of Higher Education, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4QP.

Payment can be made by a cheque drawn on a Sterling bank account
or by credit card. The easiest way is by cheque - these should simply
be sent with the booking form (please make cheques payable to " Edge
Hill Enterprises Ltd"). If you wish to pay by credit card, send your filled-
in booking form to Patrick Honeybone at the above address. You will
then be contacted and asked to telephone Edge Hill with your credit
card details several weeks before the event. If you have any queries
about this, please contact Patrick Honeybone
(honeybop at

All prices are in pounds sterling. Please indicate if you require a
receipt to be sent to you before your arrival at Edge Hill.





I would like to book the following (select appropriate package):

1. Complete conference package in en suite bedroom:
(a) including Tuesday lunch preceding workshop
 (i) if sent to arrive before 15 March  £105.75       ..........
 (ii) if sent to arrive after 15 March  £117.50       ..........

(b) excluding Tuesday lunch
 (i) if sent to arrive before 15 March    £98.10      ..........
 (ii) if sent to arrive after 15 March   £109.00      ..........

(c) Surcharge for non-members                           £5.00 ..........

        TOTAL   ..........

2. Complete conference package in standard bedroom:
(a) including Tuesday lunch preceding workshop
 (i) if sent to arrive before 15 March  £101.25       ..........
 (ii) if sent to arrive after 15 March  £112.50       ..........

(b) excluding Tuesday lunch
 (i) if sent to arrive before 15 March    £93.60      ..........
 (ii) if sent to arrive after 15 March   £104.00      ..........

(c) Surcharge for non-members           £5.00 ..........

                                                        TOTAL   ..........

3. Selected items:
 (a) Registration fee (OBLIGATORY) to cover cost of abstracts, tea and
coffee, room bookings, speakers' expenses etc   £35.00         £35.00
 (b) Tuesday lunch                              £8.50 ..........
 (c) Tuesday dinner                             £9.50 ..........
 (d) B&B Tuesday/Wednesday (en suite)   £19.00        ..........
 (e) B&B Tuesday/Wednesday (standard)           £16.50        ..........
 (f) Wednesday lunch                            £8.50 ..........
 (g) Wednesday dinner                   £9.50 ..........
 (h) B&B Wednesday/Thursday (en suite)  £19.00        ..........
 (i) B&B Wednesday/Thursday (standard)  £16.50        ..........
 (j) Thursday lunch                             £8.50 ..........

                                      SUB-TOTAL:        ..........

         Deduct 10% if sent to arrive before 15 March   ..........
 (j) Surcharge for non-members          £5.00         ..........

                                        TOTAL:  ..........

4. Abstracts booklet only:                      £5.00  UK.........
                                        £6.00  overseas...........

 (a) By sterling cheque (enclosed with this form)       ..........
 (b) By credit card (to be paid later)                  ..........


... ...........................................................

Dr. Bencie Woll
b.woll at
Chair of Sign Language and Deaf Studies
Language and Communication Science
City University, Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 8354 (voice) 8314 (textphone)
Fax: +44 (0)20 7040 8577

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