
Roland Pfau pfau at HUM.UVA.NL
Mon Jan 14 12:53:03 UTC 2002

Dear Adam,

you are right in pointing out that only few introductory linguistics
textbooks bother to give an overview over different approaches to the study
of language.

Three good sources I know of which you may wanna check out are the following:

Van Valin, R.D. & R. LaPolla (1997), Syntax: structure, meaning, and
function. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[chapter 1: Goals of linguistic theory]

Van Valin, R.D. (2001), An introduction to syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
[chapter 6: Theories of syntax]

Newmeyer, F.J. (1998), Language form and language function. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
[chapter 1: The form-function problem in linguistics (maybe not that good
for undergraduates?)]

I hope this helps.



Dr. Roland Pfau
Department of General Linguistics
University of Amsterdam
Spuistraat 210
1012 VT  Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)20 525 3022
E-mail: pfau at

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