Foreign Language requirement revisited

Susan Hernandez lesmiz85 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Apr 22 21:28:00 UTC 2003

--- Nassira Nicola <maeveenroute at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
>Many reputable universities (again, to use Harvard,
> my own institution, as
> an example) only require one year of
> foreign-language instruction, which can
> be waived for students who have a sufficient amount
> of high school L2
> background; why should we be any more demanding?

My English teacher has told my class where he went for
college, everyone had to take five semesters of a
foreign language.

> How exactly have you responded to these points so
> far?  (And has no one
> realized the perversity of responding to students'
> lack of L2 proficiency by
> *decreasing* the amount of language instruction?)

I believe they should increase the amount of language
classes taken. At least 4 semesters of one language
will leave kids with an immediate level of

> (Ah, if the world were run by linguists!)

That would be the day!

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