position available

B. Woll b.woll at CITY.AC.UK
Tue Dec 9 13:37:43 UTC 2003

Job advertisement

TRANSCRIPTIONof Language and Communication
City University London, UK

Duration and starting date: The12 month full time
position will beginas soon as possible in 2004, with a
flexible start date.

Salary: £22,000 - £27,000

BSL acquisition data

Theresearch project, funded by the ESRC, aims to adapt a
transcription system widely used in spoken language
research to the study of British Sign Language (BSL) in
order to support our current research concerning BSL
development. The Child Language Data Exchange System
(CHILDES) is one of the best-known transcription, coding
and analysis software available for the study of child
language (see MacWhinney, 2000). In the past four years
a transcription and coding system for American (ASL) and
Dutch Sign Languages (LSN) based within the CHILDES
programme has been developed by Hoiting & Slobin (see
http://www.colorado.edu/slhs/btsweb/). We aim to adapt
the BTS to BSL and enable an already collected data
archive to be transcribed and coded for further analyses.
are looking for a research assistant who will benefit from
training on BTS, actively contribute to the development of
the transcription system under our supervision, to decision
making regarding the data coding and to the dissemination
of the results of this project to the broader academic
successful candidate will also be eligible to take Masters
level courses in Sign Language linguistics and Deaf
studies run in the department as part of their training.

Required qualifications: First degree or higher in
Psychology, Linguistics or related discipline

Knowledge of BSL or fluency in another signed language;
Ability to carry out basic linguistic analysis;
Experience working with child language transcriptions in
the CHILDES programme;
Abilities to work independently and as a member of a team;
Organized and with good time management skills.

Application: send (1) acover letter of interest describing
research interests, goals and
career plans, (2) a current curriculum vitae (3)names of
three referees.
Address for Applications:
Dr. Gary Morganof Language and Communication Science
City University, London, Sq, EC1V 0HB, UK
morgan at city.ac.uk <mailto:g.morgan at city.ac.uk>

Professor Bencie Woll
Chair of Sign Language & Deaf Studies, Department of Language and
Communication Science
City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB
+44 (0)20 7040 8354 (tel.) +44 (0)20 7040 8314 (minicom) +44 (0)20
7040 8577 (fax)
b.woll at city.ac.uk   www.city.ac.uk/lcs

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