4th Sign Language Week at the University of the Basque Country

Brendan Costello brendan.costello at ehu.es
Thu May 8 22:07:49 UTC 2008

The School of Philology & Geography and History of the University of the 
Basque Country and KHIT, the Sign Language Research Group of the Basque 
Country, are organizing the Fourth Sign Language Week to be held at the 
University of the Basque Country in Vitoria, Spain, at the end of May, 

The events include a Workshop on sign linguistics, which this year is aimed 
specifically at postgraduate students working on sign languages. On each of 
the three days a specialist in the field will give a talk on a specific 
topic and this will be followed by a session led by postgraduate students 
who are currently working on related aspects of the sign languages of 
Spain. (See program below for further details.)
The aim of the workshop is to provide a space for debate and discussion for 
research students and researchers alike. The Workshop will be conducted in 
English and IS (International Sign): deaf researchers working on sign 
languages are particularly encouraged to attend.

There are no registration costs for these events. For more information 
please contact Brendan Costello (brendan.costello at ehu.es)


26 - 30 May, 15:00-19:00
Room TBA
Doctorate course within the Interdepartmental PhD Program in Linguistics
(awarded Quality Distinction by the Spanish Ministry of Education and 
Course title: Current issues in sign language research
Josep Quer (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
This course is for postgraduate students and will be given in English.
26 - 28 May, 10:00-13:00
Room 2.76, School of Philology & Geography and History
IV Workshop on sign linguistics

Monday, 26 May
10:00   Ana Fernández Soneira (Universidade de Vigo)
Quantification in LSE (Spanish Sign Language)
11:45   Ainara Bizkai (UPV-EHU) y Guillem Massó (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Workshop on quantification in sign language

Tuesday, 27 May
10.00   Laurence Meurant (Université de Namur, Bélgica)
Gaze, frames of reference and space
11:45   Gemma Barberà (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Javier Fdez. Landaluce 
(UPV-EHU) y Marta Mosella (Universitat de Barcelona)
Workshop on reference in sign language

Wednesday, 28 May
10:00   Pamela Perniss (DCAL, University College London)
Iconicity and coherence: the expression of spatial information in sign 
language discourse
12:00   Brendan Costello (UPV-EHU), Martha Kaperotxipi (UPV-EHU) y Saúl 
Villameriel (Universidad de León)
Workshop on iconicity in sign language

The workshop is for sign language and linguistics researchers.
The workshop languages are English and IS (International Sign), and 
interpretation between both languages will be provided.
Thursday, 29 May, 10:30-12:30
Small Auditorium, School of Philology & Geography and History

Working as a Deaf researcher: the Sign Segmentation Project
Robert Adam (DCAL, University College London)

This talk is for the general public and will be given in IS (International 
Sign), with interpretation into English and Spanish.
Thursday, 29 May, 19:00
University Pavilion
Signs of expression: cultural soirée in sign language
Poetry and theatre in Spanish Sign Language performed by various groups 
from the Basque Country.

KHIT (Sign language research group of the Basque Country)
School of Philology & Geography and History

The Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque 
Vice-Chancellor's Office of the Araba Campus
Department of English and German Philology & Translation and Interpreting

In collaboration with:
Interdepartmental PhD Program in Linguistics
Cultural Service of the Araba Campus

General Coordinator:
KHIT (Sign language research group of the Basque Country)

Interpreter coordinator:
Brendan Costello

Organizing committee:
Ainara Bizkai
Brendan Costello
Javier Fernández Landaluce
Martha Kaperotxipi

Contact information:
Brendan Costello (brendan.costello at ehu.es)
Javier Fernández Landaluce (jabitxin at gmx.net)

KHIT (Keinu Hizkuntzen Ikerketa Taldea),
Sala de Becarios,
Facultad de Filología y Geografía e Historia,
Paseo de la Universidad, 5,
01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz 

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