Call for Papers

David McKee david.mckee at VUW.AC.NZ
Sun Sep 11 20:42:49 UTC 2011

 Signed languages as second language:
International perspectives on teaching and learning
Editors: Dr David McKee, Dr Russell S Rosen, Dr Rachel Locker McKee
Overview of volume
The practice and profession of signed language teaching and learning has emerged internationally since the 1980s, supported by the growth of sign applied linguistics research and increasing provision for the training of sign language teachers, interpreters and other signing professionals in many countries.  The teaching of signed languages as second languages has proliferated at all levels, from informal community contexts to university degree programmes. In common with other minority languages that have been rapidly promoted in educational domains, signed language pedagogy in much of the world has grown from a basis of practical experience, informal mentoring, and the influence of available teaching materials, rather than from a body of research and formal training in language teaching practices. While signed language learning has a high popular profile, theories and practices from second language perspectives developed by researchers and practitioners in this field are unde
 r-documented in the applied linguistics literature.  Much of this knowledge has been developed and transmitted within face-to-face contexts such as conferences and courses attended by signed language users, which is appropriate, but leaves an ephemeral record of that body of knowledge.
Research in signed language teaching and learning as second languages is a vital area of enquiry, because its effectiveness underpins many advances made by Deaf people worldwide, in terms of language recognition and access to participation in society.  It is therefore an important domain of activity that is ripe for further documentation.
This volume will allow established and emerging researchers and practitioners in the field of signed language-as-second language teaching and learning to document and showcase international perspectives and best practices.  Contributions should be based on analysis of experience, or data-based research, and may employ different research orientations and methodologies. Authors are invited to contribute scholarly work on the following themes:
         History of Signed Language Teaching and Learning
         Historical studies on sign language teaching and learning
         Learning and Acquisition of Signed Languages
         Second language acquisition of signed languages
         Student learning processes and strategies
         Effective teaching strategies or interventions
         The role of first and second languages in signed language classrooms
         Curriculum design for particular (cultural, institutional) contexts or learner audiences
         Materials and media for signed language teaching and learning
         Effectiveness studies of different curricula
         Assessment and testing strategies or interventions
         Training and Professional Development
         Issues in the training and professional development of sign language teachers
         Social impacts of sign language teaching, on: Deaf people as teachers, learners, society or communities
         Considerations and issues for the future of signed language teaching and learning

The proposed timeline for compilation of the volume is as follows:
Abstracts due
20 Dec 2011 
Notification of acceptance
31 Jan 2012
First chapter drafts due
1 Aug 2012
Revised chapters due
1 Feb 2013
Book manuscript submission
1 May 2013
 An academic publisher will be secured once volume contents have been determined early in 2012,
The deadline for abstracts for this volume is December 20, 2011. 
Abstracts must not exceed two pages in length (with at least 11-point font). Electronic submissions should be sent to the email address below.
Send abstracts and inquiries to:
Dr. David  McKee
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Wellington 6140
mailto:david.mckee at

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