iSLanDS work with UNESCO on endangered sign languages

Ulrike Zeshan UZeshan at UCLAN.AC.UK
Tue Dec 4 14:43:40 UTC 2012

Dear colleagues,

this is to announce that the iSLanDS Institute has completed a questionnaire on sign language endangerment, which is now available for download on this website:
The purpose of the questionnaire is to collect data on endangered sign languages for inclusion in the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger. We have been working with UNESCO since summer 2011 to highlight the absence of sign languages in the current print and online versions of the Atlas. We subsequently adapted the UNESCO Endangered Languages Questionnaire, to create a new version of the questionnaire that can be used to collect data on signed languages.
In February 2013, there will be a fringe meeting at the SIGN6 conference to establish a panel of sign linguists to oversee this project.
For further information on the background and aims of this project, and how you can get involved if you want to contribute information about a sign language you know, please visit the website.

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