Egypt Sign Language sign for "Nile"

Cherie Wren cwterp at YAHOO.COM
Tue Apr 17 11:04:37 UTC 2007

The keeper of this website might be able to answer, if noone here can.  


----- Original Message ----
From: Penner Mark <pennersw at>
To: sw-l at
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 1:45:22 AM
Subject: [sw-l] Egypt Sign Language sign for "Nile"

Quick question:  Does anyone know the sign for "Nile" in Egypt Sign Language? For that matter, is there a sign someone knows in any signed language for "Nile"? I searched all over for an Egypt Sign Language lexicon on line, and didn't find anything, though I did find lots of evidence that the
 language was well established, and likely has the word I'm looking for.



Mark Penner
Ichikawa, Japan


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