
Robbins Burling rburling at UMICH.EDU
Wed Apr 3 17:23:21 UTC 2013

Mark: My what a flurry of messages!  Thank you!  I will join whatever needs
to be joined, so don't bother to forward things.  You have already elicited
much more response than I have!

Yes, readily available pdf files would help to solve the problem for many
of us and eventually even for people up in the hills.   But if Brill has
the copyright, it is hard for me to imagine them permitting pdf
circulation,  Of course they could be pirated, but wholesale law breaking
is not really the way to go,

I will ask John Peterson--I think that the name of the Brill "editor" who
is the only member of that crowd to respond to me.  I have some doubts that
he will reply, but it is worth a shot.  At least, I might embarrass him.


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Mark W. Post <markwpost at> wrote:

> Dear Listmembers,
> I am sending the following link on behalf of Rob Burling. It is a post by
> Rob Burling on the LSA's Ethics Blog relating to high-cost private
> publishers, descriptive works, and the ethics of making such works
> available to speech communities (or not, as the case may be), and focuses
> in particular on North East India. Rob has mentioned that he hopes to hear
> comments and suggestions on this topic, which is certainly timely as a
> number of young TB-ists are no doubt thinking, or soon will start thinking,
> about where to publish various grammars and dictionaries...
> http://lsaethics.wordpress.**com/ <>
> Cheers
> Mark
> --
> Mit freundlichen Grüssen
> Dr. Mark W. Post
> Universität Bern
> Institut für Sprachwissenschaft
> Länggassstrasse 49
> 3000 Bern 9
> Switzerland
> Tel +41 31 631 37 07
> Eml markwpost at
> Web**MarkWPost<>

Robbins Burling                             Office: 1-734-615-3840
Dept. of Linguistics                        Fax:    1-734-936-3406
440 Lorch Hall, 611 Tappan St.       Home: 1-734-663-1184
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1220 USA
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