Johanna Laakso johanna.laakso at univie.ac.at
Sat Jul 28 06:09:11 UTC 2001

Dear All,

As a comment to the message by Konstantin Zamiatin on the UGRIMUGRI list, Pertti Pyhtila (pertti.pyhtila at finst.ee) sent the following link:

> http://www.un.org/WCAR
I cannot resist the temptation of forwarding this link as well, together with my slight astonishment that, under the heading "Racism against indigenous peoples" (http://www.un.org/WCAR/e-kit/indigenous.htm), all the example cases from the "Old World" come from Africa and Asia. Is there really no racism at all against the Sámi - not to speak about the minorities of Russia? After all, the same WWW page admits that racism is more than just about "colour" and that there are modern and less visible forms of racism. Please spend a few minutes thinking about the related language issues as well...



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