Fwd: job announcement

Jan Mohammad janm at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Dec 30 23:27:16 UTC 2003

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
Details:  Send email to listserv at listserv.syr.edu and say: INFO VYAKARAN
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Please, forward any response or questions to Masayo Iida <miida at inxight.com>

=========== FORWARDED MESSAGE ===========

Dear all,

We are looking for full-time and part-time (10-20 hours/week)
consultants, including graduate and undergraduate students.
Applicants must be native speakers of or have native level fluency in
Urdu and/or Pashto as well as excellent English language written
and verbal communication skills.  Additionally, applicants should have
some linguistics background, and proficiency with computers running
Internet browsing software and Microsoft Windows or Unix operating
systems.  Background in computational linguistics is preferred, but
not required.

Responsibilities include to participate in the development of basic
components of Urdu/Pashto language modules, creating linguistic
databases,  providing formalized analysis of morphological structure of the
language(s), assisting the staff to build a morphological analyzer, and
performing testing and evaluation.

For more information and inquiries, please contact Masayo Iida
(miida at inxight.com).

Masayo Iida Ph.D
        Inxight Software Inc.
        phone: 408-738-6443
        email: miida at inxight.com

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